Create a greater impact together

Driven by hospitality, powered by people.

Your most flexible real estate partner

Smart and flexible workspace solutions designed to adapt to your business needs and make the most of your real estate. FlexOffice helps you stay ahead of the ever-changing needs of the market.

2018Founded in
10+Locations across
100m+CHFInvested in real estate with landlords, brokers
and corporate members

Simplify your operations and save resources with our
all-in-one FlexOffice real estate platform

FlexOffice is specialised in real estate management and hospitality, offering an ecosystem of smartly designed products, customisable workspaces and exclusively selected suppliers for landlords, brokers and corporate members.

  • Real estate
  • Catering
  • Bürodienste
  • Facility management
  • Architektur
  • Ausstattung & Möbel
  • Innenachitektur
  • Digitale tools & IT

Our strengths for your benefits

FlexOffice helps you to transform your real estate assets into vibrant work destinations and delivers premium benefits of joining the largest flexible workspace network in Switzerland.


Low churn
Tenants do not need to evaluate other locations when their demand for space changes. They just choose another option.


High end amenities, a full range of services and state-of-the art workspaces generate higher rental rates throughout the building


Higher market valuations by attracting high-profile tenants from top companies

Partnership opportunities

Partnership with FlexOffice: smart swiss workspaces and offices


Diversify your real estate portfolio through a network of high-end workspaces in Switzerland and maximize your property’s full potential


Whether your clients need more space or a new headquarter, our flexible solutions can help you meet their ever-changing business needs


Leverage our real estate industry expertise and proven solutions to make the most of your existing real estate and utilize your space better.

Power the future of your real estate

Get inspired by our partners to utilise your space better, mitigate your financial risk and adapt smartly to the changing needs of the real estate market.

Join the largest flexible workspace
network in Switzerland

Book a tour